Never respond to insults…🫂🌈

«The main purpose of an «insulter» is to make you act without thinking.»

When faced with insults, remember: silence can be a powerful shield. The main goal of an «insulter» is often to provoke a reactive response, to goad you into acting impulsively without considering the consequences.

By choosing not to engage with negativity, you retain your composure and deny the insulter the satisfaction of eliciting a response. Instead, take a breath, reflect on the situation, and respond thoughtfully or not at all.

Your peace of mind and emotional well-being are worth more than sinking to the level of those who seek to incite a reaction. Stand tall in your self-control, and let your actions speak louder than any words hurled in malice. ❤☀

Publicado por Pequeño mundo (pk🌎)

Maestro de Educación infantil desde hace 20 años.

146 comentarios sobre “Never respond to insults…🫂🌈

  1. wow! Beautiful post! I’m a Christian and the Bible said a lot about being calm. Proverbs 15:1 says “A soft word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” And Proverbs 17:28 says Even fools seem to be wise if they keep quiet;

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