«The philosophyinh of accompany»💓🫂     

1. Accompaniment is about being present for another person's pain, not about making their pain go away.

2. Accompanying is about going to the desert of the soul with another human being, not about believing that we are responsible for finding the way out.

3. Accompanying is about honoring the spirit, not focusing on the intellect.

4. Accompaniment is about listening with the heart and not analyzing with the head.

5. Accompanying is bearing witness to the struggles of others, not judging or directing those struggles.

6. Accompanying is about walking alongside; not to drive or be driven.

7. Accompanying is about discovering the gifts of sacred silence and does not mean filling every moment with words.

8. Accompanying the sufferer is about staying still and silent, not about wanting to move frantically forward pushing the other.

9. Accompanying is about respecting disorder and confusion, not imposing order and logic.

10. Accompanying is about learning from others, not teaching them.

11. Accompanying is about having an attitude of love and not of experts.

Accompanying is about honoring the spirit; not to focus on the intellect. Accompanying is about listening with the heart; not to analyze with your head. To accompany is to bear witness to the struggles of others; not to judge or direct those struggles. Accompanying is about walking alongside; not to drive or be driven.

  1. Acompañar se trata de estar presente para el dolor de otra persona, no de hacer que su dolor desaparezca.
  2. Acompañar, se trata de ir al desierto del alma con otro ser humano, no de creer que somos responsables de encontrar la salida.
  3. Acompañar se trata de honrar el espíritu no de enfocarse en el intelecto.
  4. Acompañar se trata de escuchar con el corazón y no de analizar con la cabeza.
  5. Acompañar es dar testimonio de las luchas de otros, no de juzgar o dirigir esas luchas.
  6. Acompañar se trata de caminar al lado; no de conducir o ser conducido.
  7. Acompañar se trata de descubrir los dones del silencio sagrado y no significa llenar con palabras cada momento.
  8. Acompañar al que sufre se trata de quedarse quieto y en silencio, no de querer moverse frenéticamente hacia adelante empujando al otro.
  9. Acompañar se trata de respetar el desorden y la confusión, no de imponer orden y lógica.
  10. Acompañar se trata de aprender de otros, no de enseñarles.
  11. Acompañar se trata de tener una actitud de amorosidad y no de expertos.

Blessings 🫂💚💓💛🫂

Publicado por Pequeño mundo (pk🌎)

Maestro de Educación infantil desde hace 20 años.

88 comentarios sobre “«The philosophyinh of accompany»💓🫂     

  1. This is so beautiful! A lot of gems in there! One of my favorites is Accompanying is bearing witness to the struggles of others, not judging or directing those struggles. Some people don’t want direction or advice. They just want to be heard. Another favorite is Accompanying the sufferer is about staying still and silent, not about wanting to move frantically forward pushing the other. Silence is golden. I used to think of the other person is not talking to me I must be boring, but that’s not true. There is a such thing as comfortable silence. There are ways to enjoy each other’s company in peace and quiet, like a quiet chess game for example. And when some people feel down, just your presence alone without a word makes can make that person happy. Thanks for this beau post.

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