Magic words/ Palabras mágicas 🌈👪

If you want to bless your children, use wise words: "I know you can do it," you did very well, "I'm so proud of you," "sometimes things go wrong, but don't give up," no matter what happens. Whatever happens, I always love you."

Each daughter or son is unique, never compare them, and remember that they will always need your look of approval and affection.
That will bless your lives forever.

Ramon Torres.

Si quiere bendecir a sus hijos, use palabras sabias: "Yo sé que tú puedes","lo hiciste muy bien","que orgullo me das","a veces las cosas salen mal, pero no te rindas","pase lo que pase, yo siempre te amo". 

Cada hija o hijo es único, nunca los compare,y recuerde que siempre necesitarán su mirada de aprobación y cariño.
Eso bendecirá sus vidas para siempre.

Ramón Torres.

Fuente; Descubre tus Dones.

Publicado por Pequeño mundo (pk🌎)

Maestro de Educación infantil desde hace 20 años.

9 comentarios sobre “Magic words/ Palabras mágicas 🌈👪

  1. Hi Ramon,

    Thank you for sharing such wise and heartfelt advice. Your words remind us of the profound impact that encouragement and love can have on our children. Phrases like «I know you can do it» and «I’m so proud of you» truly have the power to uplift and inspire.

    Your emphasis on the uniqueness of each child and the importance of showing approval and affection is a beautiful reminder of how we can bless their lives and help them grow with confidence and love.

    Thank you for this wonderful reminder of the power of positive words and the lasting impact they have on our children.

    Warm regards, Mike

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