Making a woman cry through your words or actions doesn’t make you a man. Cheating on your woman doesn’t make you a man. Breaking a woman’s heart doesn’t make you a man. Lifting your hand to a woman doesn’t make you a man. Breaking a woman down does not make you a man. This makes you a pathet, and then you do not deserve to be called a man.

Then what makes you a man?

To respect a woman. Winning her trust, one of her most precious possessions, and never breaking it. To make her smile. Listening to her, actually listening and not judging her. To make time for the moments when she needs you. To reassure her with words or just hold her. Doing anything no matter what it takes of you so she doesn’t get hurt.

Standing by her against the harsh world out there. To make her feel safe. Putting her happiness before anything else, even your own happiness. Supporting her, building her up in everything she does. Being proud of her and all she does. To say sorry when you were wrong. To realize how precious she is and to treat her like this. This is what makes you a man.

You don’t do it for honor. You don’t do this because women are weak – they are just as strong as men. You do it because you understand that being a man means standing up for what is right and respecting every girl or woman no matter who they are.

You do it because that’s how you want your mother, sister or daughter to be treated. You do it because the world doesn’t need more women with broken hearts.

The world needs more men.

Therefore, be one.

Publicado por Pequeño mundo (pk🌎)

Maestro de Educación infantil desde hace 20 años.

43 comentarios sobre “TO BE A MAN 🌈👪

  1. Very nice post , it serves as a reminder that true masculinity lies in treating others with kindness, respect, and empathy. By embracing these qualities, men can play a vital role in creating a more inclusive and compassionate society.

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