«The donkey said to the tiger:
«The grass is blue.»

The tiger replied:
«No, the grass is green.»

The discussion heated up, and the two decided to go to the lion, the king of the jungle.

Already before reaching the forest, where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout:
«His Highness, is it true that the grass is blue?»

The lion replied:
«True, the grass is blue.»

The donkey hurried and continued:
«The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts and annoys me, please punish him.»

The king then declared:
«The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence.»

The donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way, content and repeating:
«The grass is blue!»

The tiger accepted his punishment, but he asked the lion:
«Your Majesty, why have you punished me? After all, the grass is green.»

The lion replied:
«In fact, the grass is green.»

The tiger asked:
«So why are you punishing me?»

The lion replied:
«That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that come and bother me with that question.»

The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don’t make sense… There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not. When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quietness are worth more.»

Publicado por Pequeño mundo (pk🌎)

Maestro de Educación infantil desde hace 20 años.

180 comentarios sobre “«DON’T ARGUE WITH DONKEYS» 🙈

  1. Great lesson from the donkey and tiger’s fight! However, I think our main problem goes beyond just avoiding useless arguments. We often focus on discussing issues rather than solutions. And while it’s important to acknowledge this, let’s not forget that some people are indeed wasting their time on futile debates. But instead of recognizing ourselves in that behavior, we often think, ‘I’ll just ignore them and their negativity next time’ or ‘I’m not the one being foolish, they are!’ But do we ever stop to consider that we might be vulnerable to that same negativity? Do we ever ask ourselves why we’re so quick to ignore it, rather than confronting and learning from it? Let’s strive to be more self-aware and open to growth, rather than simply dismissing others and assuming we’re above the fray.

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  2. Great lesson from the donkey and tiger’s fight! Some people are indeed wasting their time on futile debates. But instead of recognizing ourselves in that behavior, we often think, ‘I’ll just ignore them and their negativity next time’ or ‘I’m not the one being foolish, they are!’ But do we ever stop to consider that we might be vulnerable to that same negativity? Do we ever ask ourselves why we’re so quick to ignore it, rather than confronting and learning from it? Let’s strive to be more self-aware and open to growth, rather than simply dismissing others and assuming we’re above the fray.

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  3. And then the patient bee would explain to everyone that green and blue were often once considered the same color, and are even referred to as such in Japanese, so to some the grass is green and to some it is blue. If the animals would all stop worrying about who is right, wrong, or punished, we could all be having a much better time together

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