🎁❤️ Gifts emotions 👶

Regalos emocionales. Los regalos tienen el poder de recordarle a nuestros hijos que son muy importantes para nosotros, además consiguen mejorar su autoestima, les hacen sentirse agradecidos y, por supuesto, les generan felicidad. Este es un cóctel potente con un solo gesto que lejos de ser material, apelamos a las emociones para llegar a su corazoncito, lugar dondeSigue leyendo «🎁❤️ Gifts emotions 👶»

👪👶 Our greatest crime. ING-ESP

We are guilty of many mistakes and many failures, but our worst crime is abandoning children, forgetting the source of life. Many things we need can wait. The child does not. It is now when their bones are formed, their blood is made and their senses develop. We cannot answer “Tomorrow”. It’s called “Today.” SomosSigue leyendo «👪👶 Our greatest crime. ING-ESP»

Be Different✍🏾

1. Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of standing still. 2. If you risk nothing you gain nothing. 3. A wise man makes his own decisions and an ignorant man follows public opinion. 4. A man who chases two rabbits catches neither. 5. Your teacher can open the door but you must enterSigue leyendo «✨Be Different✍🏾»




even though we feel sorry for the things we did, nothing can change them. As pain has already been inflicted, the damage has already been done. It was the time when we felt most powerless, as we were bothered by our own guilt and our own conscience. And to tell you the truth, having conflictSigue leyendo «Sometimes,»

❤️ LOVE IS a skill, not a feelint ✍️

The emotionally intelligent person knows that love is a skill, not a feeling, and will require trust, vulnerability, generosity, humor, sexual understanding, and selective resignation. The emotionally intelligent person awards themselves the time to determine what gives their working life meaning and has the confidence and tenacity to try to find an accommodation between theirSigue leyendo «❤️ LOVE IS a skill, not a feelint ✍️»


El hijo es el vivo, muy vivo… retrato del interior de los padres, de ahí que sea su “tesoro más preciado”.Ha venido para enseñarnos todo aquello que no queremos aprender, de lo que huimos, de lo que no podemos soportar mirar y para dar luz a esas creencias que tenemos más arraigadas, hacerlas saltar porSigue leyendo «👶TU HIJO, TU ESPEJO 👪»

I love this analogy:

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? «Because someone bumped into me!!!» Wrong answer. You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in theSigue leyendo «I love this analogy:»


1. Do not keep stupid friends all in the name of «No one knows tomorrow.» They may not allow you to see that tomorrow, so be very careful. 2. Marrying a lady with children doesn’t mean you are a fool. A Fool is the biological father that ran away from his responsibility. 3. When youSigue leyendo «FACTS ABOUT LIFE THAT CAN NOT BE DISPUTED.»

Amor 💖 y ternura 🤩👶

«Para que el amar eduque hay que amar y tener ternura. El amar es dejar aparecer. Darle espacio al otro para que tengan presencia nuestros niños, amigos y nuestros mayores.» Humberto Maturana. 🎨Ilustración de Martina Heiduczek.