1- Avoid Giving your child everything he asks for. He will grow up believing that he has the right to get everything he wants. 2-Avoid laughing when your child speaks insúlting words. He will grow up thinking that dísréspect is entertainment. 3-Avoid remaining insénsitive to bâd behavior that he can display without scølding him forSigue leyendo «WISDOM FOR PARENTING🫂👶»

Magic words/ Palabras mágicas 🌈👪

If you want to bless your children, use wise words: «I know you can do it,» you did very well, «I’m so proud of you,» «sometimes things go wrong, but don’t give up,» no matter what happens. Whatever happens, I always love you.»Each daughter or son is unique, never compare them, and remember that theySigue leyendo «Magic words/ Palabras mágicas 🌈👪»

There are no bad kids 👶

There are no bad kids,⁣just bad behavior,⁣and there’s usually a reason for it.⁣⁣The boy who hits his siblings to get their attention and runs away was just diagnosed with ADHD and is impulsive.⁣⁣The five-year-old, having a meltdown like a toddler, kicking and screaming about a toy, has a new baby at home and has beenSigue leyendo «There are no bad kids 👶»

Palabras vitamina/ Vitamina words 🍇🍉🍎🍏🍐🥝❤️👶👪

Que a tu hijo nunca le falten palabras de AMOR , Sé un Padre ó Madre VITAMINA! para lograrlo es trabajo de todos los días, lo más valioso que tienes no son las cosas materiales sino esas personitas que aprenden de ti todos los días. May your child never lack words of LOVE, Be aSigue leyendo «Palabras vitamina/ Vitamina words 🍇🍉🍎🍏🍐🥝❤️👶👪»

👪👶 Our greatest crime. ING-ESP

We are guilty of many mistakes and many failures, but our worst crime is abandoning children, forgetting the source of life. Many things we need can wait. The child does not. It is now when their bones are formed, their blood is made and their senses develop. We cannot answer “Tomorrow”. It’s called “Today.” SomosSigue leyendo «👪👶 Our greatest crime. ING-ESP»

Teaching children 👶 by how you treat your spouse 👪

The way you treat your spouse and children can significantly influence how they treat their own spouses in the future. Your behavior sets an example and can shape their expectations of what a healthy relationship should be like. If you model respect, kindness, and effective communication in your marriage, your children are more likely toSigue leyendo «Teaching children 👶 by how you treat your spouse 👪»

👪 Mothers often play a crucial role as cheerleaders in their children’s 👶 lives.

From the moment a child is born, a mother becomes their biggest supporter, offering unwavering encouragement and love. Mothers celebrate their children’s achievements, both big and small, with genuine enthusiasm. Whether it’s a toddler taking their first steps or a teenager graduating from high school, mothers are there to cheer on their children’s milestones. MothersSigue leyendo «👪 Mothers often play a crucial role as cheerleaders in their children’s 👶 lives.»

«I give up being an adult» «Renuncio a ser adulto»

I hereby present my resignation from being an adult.I have decided to accept the responsibility of being six years old again.I want to sail paper boats in a pond and make rings by throwing stones into the water.I want to think that sweets are better than money, because they can be eaten.I want to haveSigue leyendo ««I give up being an adult» «Renuncio a ser adulto»»

Al niñ@ pequeño le gusta participar en las tareas de la vida diaria. ESP/ ING.

🍴 “Poner la mesa” es una de las actividades que satisface esta necesidad. En una pequeña bandeja están disponibles todos los elementos: un plato, cubiertos, un vaso, una servilleta y un paño (o mantel individual). El niño coloca cada elemento de manera ordenada y armoniosa. 🍴 La repetición de la actividad acompaña el desarrollo delSigue leyendo «Al niñ@ pequeño le gusta participar en las tareas de la vida diaria. ESP/ ING.»


I want to talk about something that is crucial for any healthy relationship – the 5 A’s. Now, you might be wondering what these 5 A’s are and how they can make your relationship stronger. The first A is attention. Giving your partner your undivided attention is so important. Put down your phone, turn offSigue leyendo «THE 5 A’s OF A RELATIONSHIP.»